Healing Neighbourhoods
Team: Alison Strang (Principal Investigator) and Leyla Kerlaff
IGHD worked with Freedom from Torture (FFT) to conduct a review of the Healing Neighbourhoods Project (HNP) from 2018 to August 2021. FFT’s innovative project, ‘Healing Neighbourhoods’, was initially funded for four years between August 2017 and September 2021 — combining individual psychotherapy with community worker support to build refugee and asylum seekers’ social connections in Glasgow. The study explores the perceived impact on project members and external stakeholders against seven key outcomes, using interview data and survey data from the QMU Social Connections Mapping Tool.
A QMU- Led Review of the Healing Neighbourhoods Project:
Final Report
Leyla Kerlaff and Alison Strang
Click here or on the report to read