Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on Scotland’s Refugees:
Sudden-onset isolation in a neglected population group
Team: Alison Strang (Principal Investigator), Olivia Sagan (Co-Principal Investigator), Nicole Vidal, Maleeka Salih & Cameron Smith
This study set out to better understand the impact of sudden-onset isolation, brought on by measures to combat COVID-19, on neglected population groups – specifically Scotland’s refugees and asylum seekers. We gathered information on the extent and quality of refugees’ social networks during COVID-19 restrictions, to explore the relationship between sudden-onset isolation and loneliness, mental health and wellbeing.
Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on Scotland’s Refugees:
Sudden-onset isolation in a neglected population group
September 2021
Nicole Vidal, Maleeka Salih, Alison Strang, Olivia Sagan, Cameron Smith
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