Emmaleena Käkelä
Dr Emmaleena Käkelä (MSc, MA Hons) is a Research Fellow in the Institute for Global Health and Development. Emmaleena is also an Teaching Associate at the University of Strathclyde.
Emmaleena (PhD, MSc, MA Hons) works on the New Scots Integration: A Pathway to Social and Economic Inclusion project in collaboration with Scottish Refugee Council, Bridges Programmes and WEA. Her participatory doctoral research explored refugee women’s changing vulnerabilities in relation to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and other forms of gender-based violence from a migration perspective. Emmaleena has previously worked on a number of academic and third sector research projects. Her research interests are in the areas of forced migration and asylum, cultural and identity negotiation and the relationship between gender-based and structural forms of violence and harm. She has a PhD in Social Policy (University of Strathclyde), MSc in Applied Social and Educational Research (University of Strathclyde) and MA Hons in Human Geography and Religious Studies (University of Glasgow).
Emmaleena's ESRC-funded doctoral research has examined women’s vulnerability to female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV) in relation to changing cultural and structural conditions after migration. Her thesis findings illustrate how the collision of discourses on FGM/C and forced migration influence refugee women’s experiences of, and engagement with FGM/C prevention, protection and support provision. She has previously worked on a number of research projects on migration and belonging, migrant resettlement and cross-cultural service provision, and GBV in Higher Education